
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

We prioritize the protection of personal information entrusted to us by our customers.
We are committed to complying with the Personal Information Protection Act and strive to handle and protect personal information appropriately, following our established policies.

Collection of Personal Information.

We collect personal information, such as names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, through lawful and fair means when customers make purchases, contact us, or engage in other interactions.

Purpose of Use of Personal Information.

The collected personal information will be used solely for purposes such as contacting customers, delivering products, providing services, and conducting related after-sales services. We will not use this information for purposes other than those stated.

Management of Personal Information.

We store collected personal information under strict security measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss, damage, tampering, leakage, and other potential risks.

Third-party Disclosure of Personal Information.

We will not provide or disclose your personal information to third parties without your consent. However, this does not apply in cases where it is required by law or necessary to protect human life and property.

Inquiries, Corrections, and Deletion of Personal Information.

If you wish to inquire about, correct, or delete your personal information in accordance with the law, we will respond appropriately.

Changes to the Privacy Policy.

We may make changes to our privacy policy as necessary. In such cases, we will provide notice on our website.

Contact Contact Us

For inquiries regarding "Amami Blue Soy Candle," please use this link.